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Nebula was tortured and terribly abused. He was suffering and all alone at NY ACC when HPR learned about him and so we took him out of there really quick.

He had burns all over his body, both of his eyes are injured due to full force blows to his his head, purposely inflicted by a horrible human or humans.

Who did this to him we are attempting to find out, but we are not holding our breath.

Our main goal is to show him the love he never had and to get him better.

He has a long hill to climb but slowly he is climbing it.

You can read his full story on his You Caring page, if you can help in any way with Justin’s medical it will be highly apprecited so we can continue to provide the medical care he needs and deserves.

In the event that you do not like using You Caring to donate here is the unique Paypal link for him.

If you rather send a check, checks can be sent to:
Hurricane Pets Rescue Inc. 2160 Bay Drive Suite # 14 Miami Beach, Florida 33141
HPR is a National all breed disaster relief organization and New Hope Partner All donations are tax deductible.
Thank you advance for helping this beautiful soul, for your kindness and huge hearts. XO

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Click on my picture to read my story…


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GABRIELA, Miami Florida.


Gabi is one of our special needs kitties at HPR, she has been with us since a tiny kitten and sadly because of her color she never got adopted.

Gab’s is special needs because she was diagnosed with a condition called Chylothorax where her chest fills up with a very thick fluid.

But not only that, when Gabi went in to get a CT scan her scan revealed that on top of the Chylothorax she also has one lung.

Even though a few vets suggested putting her down, we did some research and found a medication that prevented the fluid from forming.

Gabi was suppose to be dead 5 years ago when diagnosed but thanks to her medication she is still with us, living happy and healthy.

Gabriela takes 2 shorts daily, she cannot live without this medication, literally this medication is what keep her breathing.

Gabi had a sponsor for her medication but as of last month, her sponsor is no where to be found (we hope he is alright),  this medication is extremely expensive there for we or should we say, Gabriela needs your help.

Each vial of her medication costs $ 150.00 one vial lasts give and take a month.

If you can help in anyway with the purchase of Gabriela medication each month please e-mail us @ info@hurricanepetsrescue.org or please go directly to our Guardian Angel Program  page and sign up to sponsor Gabi.

Thank you in advance for anything you can do to help Gabi stay alive.

God Bless.

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