HPR First Responders

Our “First Responders” search and rescue teams provide  life-saving resources and search and rescue of animals to local communities state-wide.

Team members are Fema certified and receive hands on search and rescue training through HPR’s highly trained companion animal instructors.

What we do when disaster strikes.

We work with local emergency management directors to ensure that animal response plans are intertwined with human response plans before disaster strikes and afterwards we assist with search and rescue and recovery.

We organize and help run emergency pet shelters and staging areas to provide animal care and treatment during the disaster and its recovery period.
We educate the public about the importance of household disaster planning via the media, social media and local speaking events.

Volunteer Training Requirements
In order deploy with HPR search and rescue disaster teams, all interested parties must:

  • Fill out the First Responder Sign Up Form below.
  • Sign and return complete liability waiver form.
  • Be at least 18 years of age.
  • Consent to a background check.
  • Be free of criminal convictions.
  • Complete (at a minimum) Level One of the following training curriculum:

Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Independent Study Courses
(free, self-paced and on-line)

FEMA IS-100: Introduction to the Incident Command System (ICS)
Introduces the Incident Command System (ICS) and provides the foundation for higher level ICS training. Describes the history, features and principles, and organizational structure of the Incident Command System. It also explains the relationship between ICS and the National Incident Management System (NIMS).

FEMA IS-700.A: National Incident Management System (NIMS), An Introduction
Introduces the National Incident Management System (NIMS), a consistent nationwide template to enable all government, private-sector, and nongovernmental organizations to work together during domestic incidents.

FEMA IS-10.A: Animals in Disasters: Awareness & Preparedness
Intended to increase awareness and preparedness among animal owners and care providers. Includes sections on typical hazards, how these affect animals and what can be done by responsible owners to reduce the impact of disasters. Also intended to help animal owners, care providers and industries to better understand emergency management. Will heighten awareness of the special issues that emergency managers need to consider when incorporating animal-care annexes into their emergency operations plans.

FEMA IS-11.A: Animals in Disasters: Community Planning
Intended to guide emergency management officials and animal owners, care providers, and industries in preparing community disaster plans. Goal is to provide sufficient information for both groups to meet and develop meaningful and effective plans that improve the care of animals, their owners, and the animal-care industries in disasters. Provides the basic background knowledge needed to develop a coordinated response to a disaster in which animals and their owners are affected. Further training with local or State emergency management programs is essential.

FEMA IS-111.A: Livestock in Disasters
For farmers, extension agents, emergency managers and others who have interests in the livestock industry. Describes the various hazards that large animals can face and how to mitigate them, as well as how to respond to an actual disaster. The livestock industry is a multi-billion dollar business that provides food for the American people as well as those overseas. It is important to insure our livestock are safe from hazards and will not suffer from the effects of hazards. This course can be downloaded from the Independent Study Web site and the test can be completed and submitted online.

Level Two Training (Optional)
Small and Large Animal Search and Rescue
Human CPR and First Aid
Small and Large Animal Handling and First Aid
Community Emergency Response Training (CERT)
Level Three Training (Optional)
Animal and human rapid water rescue
Animal and human rope incline rescue
Advanced ICS training
Advanced search and rescue
Introduction to hazardous materials
Other Training (Optional)
Hands-on training (volunteer at your local animal shelter!)
Formal and informal animal disaster drills
Exotic animal handling
Shelter management simulation exercises
Communications equipment and protocols
Cross training with other state and local DART teams
American Red Cross training
– First Aid/CPR
– Introduction to Disaster Services
– Introduction to Disaster Services Mass Care: An Overview
– Shelter Operations
– Shelter Simulation
– Mass Care
– Emergency Assistance to Families

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