Left to die in the streets of Miami, weighting only 25 pounds, extremely emancipated, malnourished and weak as hell, When we took Roscoe in we didn’t think he was going to make it.
Thanks to the amazing work of our vets, time, effort and TLC that was put into his recovery specially from his foster Mom Mercy that literally nursed back to health and many donors that donated towards his medical care.
Roscoe made a full recovery and is today in a beautiful loving forever home.
Roscoe Before.
Roscoe after
Toby, NYC 200 CATS SAVED FROM “THE PALMS” TRAILER PARK -2008 As humans an animals found themselves being evicted HPR and its volunteers went straight to do what we do best, RESCUE… Some of these kitties found wonderful loving homes, some are still with us today. N MIAMI TRAILER PARK CATS THE BEGINNING Sam at NYC shelter SAM TODAYSam was literally near death when we pulled him from the shelter, against all odds and two vets saying that there was no hope for Sam and their recommendation was to let Sam go.
But we were stubborn and decided to go against all odds.
So glad we did.
Main issue for the vets was the fact that Sam was FELV+ and unfortunately for Sam the attending vets were way too focus on Sam (Hurricane Sam as they called him at AMC) being FELV+.
Due to the above they were attributing all of his problems to the FELV retrovirus and truly it was nothing but…
Thankfully at HPR we are well seasoned on retro-viruses a knew all too well that FELV+ kitties are let go from this world for the wrong reasons.Read More